UPDATE DECEMBER 29: Coffee Hour Ministry Highlights:
The Photo Ministry will be hosting Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall on Jan 3 following the 9:00 service. This group takes photos at various St. Paul’s activities and events. These pictures are posted on the church website for all to enjoy.
On January 10, the Newcomer Ministry will be hosting Coffee Hour. Come join them for food and refreshments and to find out more about this ministry of welcome. There are opportunities for greeters, bread bakers and deliverers, and telephone callers.
Also during Coffee Hour on Jan 10, Newcomer co-chair Frank Laney will be presented with a 2015 NC Bar Association Citizen Lawyer Award. This award recognizes role models who inspire other lawyers to invest their time and talents in service-oriented activities. In addition to his work at St. Paul’s, Frank has volunteered as a scoutmaster, PTA leader, judge for Odyssey of the Mind, high school band booster, and organizer for the Cary Music and Arts Festival.
Coffee hour schedule for January:
January 3: Photo Ministry
January 10: Newcomer Ministry
January 17: Julian Gathering
January 24: Winter Mini Ministry Fair
January 31: Vestry Quarterly Parish Update
Giving during Advent
St. Paul’s offers many opportunities to share your resources and there is no better time of year to give than during the Season of Advent. Here are a few giving opportunities:
- Advent Envelopes – Blue envelopes provided in the pews throughout Advent, and on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Funds collected in these envelopes are designated to continue the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s.
- Christmas Plate -All undesignated collections in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day collections will go to Outreach, specifically toward the Episcopal Build for Habitat for Humanity.
- Food Donations for Urban Ministries – Help feed our hungry neighbors by dropping off food items in the Little Red Wagon in the narthex. Food items are collected all year long-not just during Advent.
- Heifer International invites us to honor our friends and loved ones with Christmas gifts that help struggling families lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. Our donations placed in the Heifer Ark on Sunday mornings buy working animals for families in need around the world. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Heifer honor cards will be available in the St. Paul’s narthex. Please take a card for each donation of $10, to send to family members or friends you wish to honor with your charitable gift. St. Paul’s donations in 2015 have now surpassed $5000 for the GIFT ARK of animals. With your generosity, we can give life-changing gifts to even more impoverished families and communities this year. Alison Arnold, 919-605-0761,
The St. Paul’s Preschool Transitional Kindergarten (TK class) would like to thank the congregation, especially the Pre-EYC, for their contributions to the 2nd annual TK Food Drive. We appreciate your generosity in making our “Be Thankful” project a success!
Stewardship: So far, we have raised $764,608 from 259 pledges with an overall total increase in individual pledge amounts of 8%. Please join your fellow parishioners, and prayerfully consider an increase of your pledge this year. 2016 Budgeting has already begun and your pledge is important to help us plan for the future of St. Paul’s!
Coffee Hour Ministry Highlights: The Men’s Group is hosting Coffee Hour in the parish hall today following the 9:00 service. This group fosters fellowship while providing various service projects and activities for the parish, including Lobster Fest, Men’s Beach Week, and food for the Parish Picnic and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. There will be no Coffee Hour next week.
Prayer Stitchers will not meet Wednesday, Dec. 23. Our next meeting will be January 6, 10:00 – noon, in the youth wing.
Prayer Stitchers and Outreach: To everyone who donated yarn and all who made items for sale at the Nov. 14 Arts and Crafts Festival and for homeless veterans and families, a big Thank You! Your generous contribution of items to the Festival resulted in sales totaling more than $1,800 with all proceeds going to Outreach ministries. The large number of hats and scarves you made have been distributed to homeless veterans, children, and families to help them stay warm this winter. All are welcome to join us as we make items for others. Donations of yarn are always welcome, too. Contact Beth Barnes (, Marilyn Mitchell ( or Carolyn Anderson (your for more information.
The Little Red wagon is always ready to take your food contributions for the Urban Ministries food pantry. Last week you broke the bank! We took in 463 pounds of food on Monday, December 7, thanks to the Preschool’s TK food drive. But of course the food is provided to families five days a week, so more is always needed. Right now the biggest needs are dry pasta, spaghetti sauce, dry rice and dry beans. But whatever you have in your pantry that you can spare, or whatever is on sale this week at the grocery store, will be happily accepted and given away. We’re always glad to have your extra paper or plastic grocery bags, too.
Barbecue Lunch: The Fellowship Team is putting on a festive Barbecue Lunch on Saturday January 16th. Tickets are for sale in the parish hall at Coffee Hour between services and outside the narthex after the late service. Get your loved ones a “stocking stuffer.” Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 10.
End of Year Check Requests: We are beginning our process of closing out our 2015 financial year, and we need all checks requests turned in to Christine Ingram or Brandy Satterfield by December 20, 2015. Thank you for your help.
December 24, 2015 Christmas Eve
4:00 p.m. Child-friendly celebration of the Eucharist with a special homily for all the children.
7:00 p.m. A celebration of the Eucharist filled with wonderful Christmas carols.
10:30 p.m. A celebration of the Eucharist that concludes near midnight making this service our “Midnight Mass.”
December 25, 2015 Christmas Day
10:00 a.m. Gather on Christmas for a quiet, contemplative celebration of the Eucharist.
December 27, 2015 First Sunday of Christmas: Two Services Only
7:30 a.m. Eucharist – Rite I
10:00 a.m. Lessons & Carols with Eucharist – Rite II
Found: Class ring, please call the office if you are the owner.
Children’s Ministries
- Sunday School, Children’s Chapel and Pre-EYC are all on Christmas Break until January 10, 2016.
- Our Children’s Stewardship Basket is collecting for Stop Hunger Now. Please contribute as the children continue their collection toward our $2900 goal that will sponsor a children’s Stop Hunger Now Day in May 2016. Money for this event will be collected June 1, 2015 through May 15, 2016. To date we have collected $1159.36.
- Sunday School: No classes until January 10, 2016. Enjoy the break.
- EYC Today:
- Painting Youth Wing 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Dress appropriately.
- Caroling & Cookies 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Come ready to sing for our neighbors around the church. There’s a special signup for cookies and hot chocolate: Dress festively and for the weather.