BARBECUE LUNCH: The Fellowship Team is putting on a festive Barbecue Lunch on Saturday January 16th. Tickets are for sale in the parish hall at Coffee Hour between services and outside the narthex after the late service..” Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 10.
ADULT EDUCATION FORUM SUNDAY, JANUARY 10: “HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, EPISCOPAL BUILD AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE HAMMER”. During Lent, St. Paul’s is participating in a build with other Wake County Episcopal congregations. A family has been selected for this project and will work side-by-side with volunteers to make their dream of home ownership come true. Please plan to attend this forum to hear Rick Beech, Vice President for Program Ministries, Habitat for Humanity of Wake County, give an overview of the Habitat movement including newer efforts such as Christian Community Development and Advocacy as well as the Episcopal Build. Forums are held in the Chapel between the 9:00 and11:15 services.
CONVERSATION AND COMMUNITY, an adult education small group discussion opportunity, resumes Sunday morning, January 10, in the Conference Room between the 9:00 and 11:15 services. Selections from Brian McLaren’s book, We Make the Road by Walking, are used to facilitate spiritually focused conversation and to foster friendships. There is no need to sign up, no homework, and nothing to bring but yourself! This group is for anyone looking for something more casual than adult education forums in the Chapel, but more structured than Coffee Hour.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY RESUMES WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20. “Knowing God”, a course in the Kerygma series, Great Themes of the Bible, will be led by the Reverend Carr Holland. We will explore questions such as “Can we trust God to be loving, fair and just?” and “How can we know the unknowable God”?. This seven-session course meets weekly (except Feb. 10, Ash Wednesday), ending on March 9. Meetings are Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Youth Wing. Each participant has the cost of $20 for a resource book, payable on receipt of the book. Class size is limited to 25 participants so sign up soon by email to Beth Barnes ( or at the Adult Education display in the Narthex.
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Photo Ministry will be hosting Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall today following the 9:00 service. This group takes photos at various St. Paul’s activities and events. These pictures are posted on the church website for all to enjoy. Next week the Newcomer Ministry will be hosting Coffee Hour. Come join them for food and refreshments and to find out more about this ministry of welcome. There are opportunities for greeters, bread bakers and deliverers, and telephone callers.
Also during Coffee Hour next week, Newcomer co-chair Frank Laney will be presented with a 2015 NC Bar Association Citizen Lawyer Award. This award recognizes role models who inspire other lawyers to invest their time and talents in service-oriented activities. In addition to his work at St. Paul’s, Frank has volunteered as a scoutmaster, PTA leader, judge for Odyssey of the Mind, high school band booster, and organizer for the Cary Music and Arts Festival.
Prayer Stitchers: Prayer Stitchers resumes our weekly Wednesday schedule January 6, 10:00 – 11:30 am in the Youth Wing. We begin 2016 with a celebration of the sixth annual anniversary of the beginning of our ministry. All are welcome to join us at our meeting for prayer and fellowship as we make a wide variety of items for people in need and afterward for a dutch treat lunch at Patrick Jane’s Gourmet Pizza Bar. Patrick Jane’s is in the Shoppes of Kildaire (near Staples),1353 Kildaire Farm Road, Cary. Questions? Contact Beth Barnes (, 919-380-7214) or Marilyn Mitchell (, 919-800-7043).
The Little Red wagon is always ready to take your food contributions for the Urban Ministries food pantry. Last week you broke the bank! We took in 463 pounds of food on Monday, December 7, thanks to the Preschool’s TK food drive. But of course the food is provided to families five days a week, so more is always needed. Right now the biggest needs are dry pasta, spaghetti sauce, dry rice and dry beans. But whatever you have in your pantry that you can spare, or whatever is on sale this week at the grocery store, will be happily accepted and given away. We’re always glad to have your extra paper or plastic grocery bags, too.
STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: So far, we have raised $796,918 from 277 pledges. Please join your fellow parishioners, and prayerfully consider an increase of your pledge this year. 2016 Budgeting has already begun and your pledge is important to help us plan for the future of St. Paul’s!
FOUND: Class ring, please call the office if you are the owner.
Children’s Ministries
- Church School : Resumes January 10, 2016
- Sunday School: No classes until January 10, 2016. Enjoy the break.
- EYC: Resumes January 10 also, 5-7 pm.
- Bishop’s Ball 1/29-31. This is such a fun Diocesan event. Register online at For more information, contact Leah (
Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Mission Trip 2016:
This year we will be going to Tennessee for our ASP Mission Trip from July 10th – July 16th. St. Paul’s will join other youth in rural Central Appalachia to help Appalachia Service Project (ASP) repair homes for low-income families.
ASP is about more than the home repair- ASP is about building and strengthening relationships with one another and with God. We share our skills and we share our faith, and together we make a difference. I am personally inviting you to consider joining us in this awesome ministry. Please contact Kevin Swann to volunteer of get more information at 919-607-5913
ASP is open to all high school students and rising 9th graders. We have 25 openings for Youth. We need and must have 12 Adults to volunteer as chaperone leaders.