Sunday Morning: As we look ahead with excitement to new construction in 2020, join the vestry in the chapel for a Capital Project Update (10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.).
Wednesday Evening: Our three-part series, The Sacred Enneagram as a Path to Self-Awareness and Spiritual and Personal Growth, continues Wednesday evening, January 15, 2020, at 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the youth wing. Myra Hawkins is leading the series, which introduces participants to the enneagram and its roots; provides a brief overview of the nine personality types; and discusses how exploring the enneagram may facilitate spiritual and personal growth. It can provide us the capacity to cut through internal clutter and lead us back into a sacred connection with God.
RISE AGAINST HUNGER COMMUNITY EVENT: If you are looking for a service opportunity on MLK Jr. Day, consider participating or leading a team in a community-wide Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging event! On Monday January 20th, teams representing several Raleigh area organizations will gather at the Raleigh Convention Center to pack 150,000-200,000 meals! Teams leads need to (1) recruit 8-10 volunteers and (2) raise $600. Individuals (not on teams) can also participate. Questions? Contact Brooke Mautz or Ramsey McIntire:
The Veterans and Military Outreach committee needs a chair or co-chairs to lead this ministry. This committee directly helps veterans and current military members in a number of ways. Please think about serving with this extremely rewarding ministry. Contact: Guy Antonides at for the details.
HEIFER INTERNATIONAL IN 2019: A big “Thank You” to everyone who donated to Heifer International in 2019. St. Paul’s total donation for the calendar year was $7188.75. This wonderful contribution will purchase a “Gift Ark” of animals, and many more animals besides. The $5000 Gift Ark provides pairs of livestock – including cows, sheep, goats, oxen, water buffalo, camels, llamas, donkeys, pigs, and beehives – to needy families around the world, along with education and training. These gifts promote sustainable farming, reliable incomes, and good nutrition. Thank you for so generously supporting Heifer International in its mission to transform people’s lives and to help eradicate hunger and poverty.
Prayer Stitchers will be hosting a special coffee hour on Sunday, January 19, in honor of our10th Anniversary as a ministry. Please join us in in celebration of our ten-year journey. “Not everyone can save the world, but you can do small things with great love.” (Mother Theresa).
OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will be closed on January 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
CHILDREN’S Ministries: There is Children’s Chapel today for children ages 3 years-2nd grade at the 9:00 a.m. service.
Sunday School begins at 10:10 a.m. in the education building.
The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is collecting money for Rise Against Hunger. We have collected $984 toward our $3400 goal.
Save the Dates! The annual Teddy Bear Tea will be held February 8.
First Communion Classes will be on March 1, 15, 22, with a special service on the 29th. More information coming soon.
Kids’ Club provides childcare for infants through three-year-olds during worship and Sunday school.
Dorcas Ministry Red Carpet tour is scheduled for interested parishioners on Tuesday Jan 14 at 2:00 p.m. Let Nancy Fierke know if you can attend at or if you have any questions.
Women’s Study Group will meet on Tuesday, January 14 from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. in the cry room. This month’s book is Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. You are welcome to join us for a guided discussion, even if you haven’t finished the book. Questions? Please contact Joyce Loughlin at