The following is from the diocesan publication Please Note of November 11, 2020:
The 205th Annual Convention has been rescheduled for March 2021 in the hope we’ll be able to gather, at least in part, once again. But since we’ve had Saturday, November 21 saved on our calendars since the 204th Annual Convention, we’re using the day to celebrate all of the ways the Diocese of North Carolina has shined this year, to enjoy some online fellowship, to worship together and to look at the year ahead.
The day is wide in scope and will happen on several platforms. Clergy and delegates who would normally comprise the in-person Convention floor will attend the gathering via Zoom, and the whole event will be livestreamed for all who want to take part on Facebook Live, the new diocesan YouTube channel and the diocesan website.
The day will be comprised of a morning and afternoon session, with worship, music, the bishops’ address, stories of our congregations and more.
The afternoon session will include time for those on Zoom to attend breakout sessions, while viewers at home enjoy time with the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman and the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple. They will answer questions submitted both ahead of time and those asked on the Facebook Live or YouTube livestreams.
We hope to see you there!