We look forward to seeing you at the Halloween Carnival tomorrow night! Pizza and a short movie, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown will begin in the Parish Hall at 5:15 p.m. Following the movie, children will head to the parking lot for Trunk or Treat and carnival games outside the Youth Wing! The youth would like to remind the children to bring a bag/basket/bucket for treats and prizes.
2022 Christmas Pageant
Mark your calendars for the St. Paul’s Christmas Pageant, which will take place during the 9:00 a.m. service Sunday, on December 18th! Children will rehearse for the pageant on Sunday, December 11th from 10:15-11 AM and on Saturday, December 17th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The Children’s Ministry Committee and clergy have reimagined the pageant, which will faithfully tell the same Christmas story, using contemporary language. We encourage you to click this link to look at the script so you may discern with your child what roles are of interest to them.
Look for a sign up through which the children can indicate their preference for roles in next week’s newsletter.
Kids’ Club update
A reminder that St. Paul’s Nursery/Kids’ Club is open 8:45-11:00 a.m. on Sundays during the 9 am service through coffee hour/Sunday School/adult education hour. Parents are no longer asked to sign up online and the 6-child capacity limit has been lifted at this time. Parents are still required to sign in their child on the clipboard at drop off. Thank you for sharing your little blessings with us!
For more details on this and other children’s activities, please look at the full children’s newsletter for October 29, 2022.
Mother Alice, Regan and the Children’s Ministry Committee