The online Living Gift Market provides an excellent opportunity for St. Paul’s Church members to make donations to Heifer International as alternative Christmas gifts to honor family and friends. Over the past year, during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, those attending Sunday worship services in person have had the opportunity to place donations in the Heifer ark at the rear of the church. The Living Gift Market has also been accessible to those attending worship services virtually. This Advent season, the Living Gift Market once again invites members of St. Paul’s to help people in need, both near and far. With the global need even greater this year due to devastating effects of COVID, we can change the lives of people we will never meet, but who are our neighbors for whom Christ calls us to care.
The online Living Gift Market allows us to select one or more specific animals and donate the appropriate funds, or to choose a donation amount. Our goal is $5000, which will send a Heifer Gift Ark full of animals around the world, wherever there is hunger and poverty.
The web page includes a link to Honor Cards. You can make donations in honor of family members and friends, and choose to send an Honor card via email or snail mail.
Thank you for your generosity in helping others this Advent and Christmas.
Alison Arnold (