When my mother, Joyce Brooks, died at 79 years old, she was buried in a family plot in Florida. She had made these arrangements herself, and we honored her wishes. Cary is a long way from the wilds of south Florida.
Over the years, as I remembered my mother, I would have fragmented moments — in the kitchen, where she, my sisters and I often cooked together — or in a pool, where she taught her children and her grandchildren to swim. I have many memories of my mother — happy, poignant, sad, life affirming. Sometimes, in church, I would have a quiet time for contemplation (but then I’d miss the homily!). I needed a place closer to my home where I could have time to let my memories flow.
St Paul’s lovely Memorial Garden with its Remembrance Wall filled my need. My husband, Ron, suggested we have Mom’s name engraved on the Remembrance Wall. This gives her a place close to our family, just as she was close to us in our lives. A garden full of peace and hope and life renewed. I suppose we all love a garden. Being part of nature and its ongoing cycle is appealing.
My mom especially loved to garden, and she gave me this gift of hard work and creativity. Our church’s Memorial Garden with its tall trees, evergreen shrubs and blooming flowers is the perfect place for me to spend quiet time with my mom. Her spirit is there. Thank you, St. Paul’s.
Submitted by Jan Barbee