Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Mary Kintz (Page 4)

Endowment Funds Available

Do you have a good idea for the use of St. Paul’s endowment funds?  In 2024, the St. Paul’s Endowment will be able to again fund projects that fulfill the mission of our church, beyond our operating budget.  This year, the Vestry expects to distribute $14,259 in funds from the Endowment…

Women’s Beach Week Update

We’re closing in on spring weather and a beach mind-set!! There are a few spots still available for this year’s trip (April 28-May 5) to Emerald Isle, NC. The cost is set at $65 per night. Learn more on the Women’s Beach Week webpage, or contact wbw@stpaulscary.org. Don’t wait!

Easter Lily Donations

Giving a lily that will decorate the worship spaces for Easter services is a beautiful way to remember and give thanks for special people, for a donation of $35 per plant. Envelopes are now in the pews at church. Checks may be made payable to St. Paul’s with “Altar Guild Lily” noted in the memo.…

Hermano Day

St. Paul’s annual Hermano Day will be Sunday, March 10. Help our farmworker brothers and sisters and their families by donating clothing and household items on the list below…

Name Badges – Order Yours Today

One of the most welcoming gestures we can make to those who join us on Sundays is simple: wear a name badge! Name badges help us all, no matter our length of stay here. If you have misplaced yours or you need to order one for the first time, learn more about how to place…