Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 36)

St Nicholas is Coming to St. Paul’s (Dec 6, 2015)

The St. Nicholas Advent tree (2015) is up and is decorated with over 400 tags identifying needy children served by local agencies that support seasonal farmworker families, orphans and vulnerable children, homeless families, families of recovering addicts, and families in need of reasonable housing. Please take one or more of the tags from the tree. Continue Reading below

A Vision for Outreach

During the last 5 months this team of Bill Holmes, Dan Loughlin, Dave Mackie, the Rev. Sarah Phelps, Anne Pilgrim, Tad Richard, Kevin Swann, and Aleta McClenney, has worked towards a goal of providing St. Paul’s with a deeper, broader, richer sense of how we might live out our call as Christians to extend our faith beyond the pew on Sundays and to work, in service, with those whom Jesus blessed and whom we are called to love as we love ourselves. Information collected through adult education, surveys, listening circles, and one-on-one conversations falls into three broad categories: Philosophical, Financial, and Structural…

Christmas Shopping at the Arts and Crafts Festival (Nov 14)

Want some great presents for those on your Christmas list? Then do some Christmas shopping at the Arts & Crafts Festival, Saturday, November 14, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You will also be helping our outreach effort at St. Paul’s. Here is a  list of exhibitors and pictures of their crafts. Read November Newsletter, page 5. Visit our website…

WIHN Homeless Ministries Week (Nov 8-15)

Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN), Ministry to the Homeless: St. Paul’s WIHN week is Nov 8-15. WIHN is a wonderful “hands-on” outreach opportunity, both for adults and for families.  Please contact Kathleen Neff (kathleen@trioptimum.com) or Myrna Belingon (tmb.jersey@gmail.com).

Bread Bakers, Drivers Needed

The Bread Ministry bakes and delivers bread to visitors each week. Bakers are needed to bake two loaves of bread and bring them to the church kitchen two or three times a year. Drivers are needed to deliver the bread to visitors on Sundays after the service. Each of these jobs requires only a small time…

Brochure Writers Needed

Do you have experience in designing flyers and brochures — either in your job or as a volunteer? If so, perhaps you’d like to use your talents to help create attractive publicity materials for some of our St. Paul’s ministries. This is a great way to help out from home and on your own time. If you’re interested, please contact the Communications…

Wheels4Hope 15th Anniversary

Wheels4Hope recently celebrated its 15th Anniversary with the 1,000th car placement at its founding congregation, West Raleigh Presbyterian Church.
The congregation gathered around a 1996 Honda Accord donated by a member of the congregation to celebrate with Sunny and her son Kobi as they received the keys to their own vehicle. To donate a car to Wheels4Hope, Continue reading below.