Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 37)

GoDo Event (Oct 24)

The GoDo Service Ministry is offering another fun event on October 24, 9:00-12:00. The ministry and site we will be working with has changed to PLM Families Together. This event is open to all St. Paul’s parishioners, 14 and older. To sign-up or for more information, contact Kevin Swann at swann.kev@gmail.com.

Outreach Listening Circles (Aug 12)

What does Outreach mean to you? What type of service work motivates you to commit a couple of hours per month toward it? What project in support of our community would you like to join fellow St. Paul’s parishioners in making a reality? The Outreach Visioning Team would like to hear from you on ways we can deepen, broaden, and enrich our outward focus as a parish.

Little Red Wagon for Urban Ministries

The Little Red Wagon stands ready to receive your contributions every week. Current needs include dry pasta, dry beans, canned pasta (like Spaghettios), canned fruit and vegetables, and packaged drinks for kids. All contributions will be delivered to Urban Ministries to help feed needy families in Wake County. We’re also happy to have your extra paper or plastic grocery bags, for packing groceries for the families that come to Urban Ministries for help. Thanks as always for your continued support.

Join the Lay Weeders

Do you like to garden? Have you ever noticed how beautiful St. Paul’s campus is? Want to help keep St. Paul’s courtyard looking its best? Then join Lay Weeders! We are looking for folks who would like to use their time and talent to keep the weeds at bay in the courtyard and plants looking…

Drivers Needed for Church Services

DRIVERS NEEDED: The Care and Share Team wants your help. Drivers are needed for church transportation for those no longer able to drive. If you are able to commit to helping one Sunday a month, please contact melonie.wigley@att.net. Volunteer drivers work together to resolve schedule conflicts.