Worship. Serve. Grow.

Youth (Page 2)

Martin Luther King Day Weekend

As we gather this Martin Luther King Day weekend, let us at St. Paul’s continue to walk together, pray together, listen and learn together to how God is calling us to respond to our history and our commitment to justice, truth telling, to liberation and to life. May the promise of hope and joy that…

Celebrate Christmas with Us!

Celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season at St. Paul’s! All are welcome to join us at any of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. On Christmas Eve, the 4 p.m. service has a family focus: it will feature the children’s Canterbury Choir and Canterbury Bells, and childcare will be available for children up…

December Youth, Children’s and Family News

“Advent is a season of the longest nights, of preparing and waiting. A friend Amy Peterson calls Advent ‘a deep breath in the dark’ before a Christmas burst of light… During these 22 days, let St. Paul’s be a place of rest and joyful anticipation for you…” Read more from Mother Alice in the December…

Mental Health Panel Discussion

The Resilience Ministry at St. Paul’s has invited local mental health professionals to a panel discussion on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 5 – 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The discussion will include ideas on how we as a faith community can support our youth’s mental health and will be moderated by the Rev. Alice Graham Grant, Associate Rector for Children’s and Youth Formation.

Diocesan Mental Health Awareness Day

Mental health, especially the health of our youth, is something to which we should all pay attention. To that end, the Diocese of North Carolina Committee on Children & Youth Mental Health is sponsoring an in-person workshop to learn how churches can support wellness efforts. This event will take place at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Greensboro on August 19, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.