Kids’ Club provides a fun, safe, and nurturing childcare environment for infants through 3 year olds during worship and Sunday school. Parents may attend church, teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, or attend committee meetings while their children are cared for.
There will be Children’s Chapel Sunday for children ages 3 years-2nd grade at the 9:00am service. Children begin the service with their families, then follow the cross out of the church and proceed to the Youth Wing. They return to church after the Peace and share the Eucharist with their families. This week’s lesson is Jesus Changes Water to Wine.
Sunday School begins at 10:10am in the Education Building. This week is Year 3, Lesson 24: Who is My Neighbor, from the Weaving God’s Promises curriculum. We are still in need of two additional teachers for the Spring Semester, and occasional substitutes. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at
Teddy Bear Tea
Looking for something special to do with your younger child or grandchild? Join us this Saturday, February 8, at 10:30am, in the Parish Hall for our special Teddy Bear Tea! Children are welcome to bring their favorite doll or stuffed animal and enjoy some special treats and fun with you and their “stuffed” friend. All children aged birth through elementary school are welcome to attend! Children need to be escorted by a parent, grandparent, or guardian. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by the end of the day, today at:
Scout Sunday
St. Paul’s will recognize the citizenship and volunteer efforts of all Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and leaders at the 9:00 a.m. service on February 9th. On Scout Sunday, Scouts and leaders will participate in a variety of roles such as greeters, ushers, and lectors. All Scouts and adult leaders are asked to wear their uniforms. Sign up at or contact Stephany Enders at . Additionally, they have been asked to assist the Fellowship Events Team with Coffee Hour. Food donation slots have been added, and the FTE team has asked for donations of small (dollar store) toys and self-care/travel-size hygiene items that they are collecting for care packages for the USO.
Communion Classes
Communion classes will be taught March 1, 15, and 22nd, at 10:10am, during the Sunday School hour. Classes are taught by clergy and are open to all children in 1st grade and up that have not received prior communion education. Classes are cumulative, and children are encouraged to attend all three classes. Class participant registration is available at A special communion celebration will be held on March 29th, at the 9:00am service for those children that have completed the classes. A coffee hour to honor the children will immediately follow the service.
The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket continues to collect donations for Rise Against Hunger. We have collected $1200 toward our $3400 goal.
Upcoming Events
Please note there will be NO Children’s Chapel or Sunday School next Sunday, February 16th.
- Feb 8 Teddy Bear Tea, Parish Hall, 10:30am
- Feb 16 Holiday Weekend/No Sunday School
- Feb 25 Pancake Supper, Parish Hall, 5:00-7:00pm
- Feb 26 Ash Wednesday Service for Families, Sanctuary, 6:00pm
- Mar 1 Communion Class #1, Youth Wing, 10:10am
- Mar 8 PJ Sunday/Daylight Savings Begins, Sanctuary, 9:00am
- Mar 15 Communion Class #2, Youth Wing, 10:10am
- Mar 22 Communion Class #3, Youth Wing, 10:10am
- Mar 22 Communion Class for Parents, Curry Center, 10:15am
- Mar 29 Communion Celebration, Sanctuary, 9:00am
- Apr 5 Palm Sunday/Yes Children’s Chapel/No Sunday School
All the best,
Children’s Ministries Committee