Kids’ Club provides a fun, safe, and nurturing childcare environment for infants through 3 year olds during worship and Sunday school. Parents may attend church, teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, or attend committee meetings while their children are cared for.
There will be Children’s Chapel Sunday for children ages 3 years-2nd grade at the 9:00am service. Children begin the service with their families, then follow the cross out of the church and proceed to the Youth Wing. They return to church after the Peace and share the Eucharist with their families. This week’s lesson is Nicodemus.
Sunday School begins at 10:10am in the Education Building. This week is Year 3, Lesson 21: Zacceaus Comes Down. We are still in need of occasional substitute teachers. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at
Upcoming Events
Spring Forward and wear your pajamas! Back by popular demand. As a treat for all the children, Sunday, March 8, (the Sunday when Daylight Savings Time begins) will be “wear your pajamas to church”. Please follow the dress code restrictions established by Wake County Public Schools. Adults are invited to participate too!
The Children’s Ministry Committee will be hosting a special coffee hour on March 29th, at 10:00am, to celebrate the 2020 Communion Class graduates, our special children who have completed their Eucharistic education. Please help support the committee by signing up to volunteer your time and/or food donation. We appreciate your continued support of St. Paul’s! The CMC will be meeting this Sunday, March 8, at 11:15am, in the Conference Room.
Easter is on its way and that means it is almost time for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt! We will be using the same process as last year, where we hide empty eggs for the children to hunt. Children can collect one egg, or 100! All eggs will be turned in to the collection area in the Courtyard, where the children will receive a bag of treats in exchange for their eggs. Please feel free to donate nut-free candy and other small Easter trinkets (stickers, etc.) to put in the treat bags. Donations will be accepted through April 5th. Please bring to the Church office or contact Natalie Sroka at Thank you for your help!
Children’s Ministry Calendar
Mar 8 PJ Sunday/Daylight Savings Begins, Sanctuary, 9:00am
Mar 8 Children’s Ministry Committee Meeting, Conference Room,11:15am
Mar 15 Communion Class #2, Youth Wing, 10:10am
Mar 22 Communion Class #3, Youth Wing, 10:10am
Mar 22 Communion Class for Parents, Curry Center, 10:15am
Mar 29 Communion Celebration, Sanctuary, 9:00am
Apr 5 Palm Sunday/Yes Children’s Chapel/No Sunday School
Apr 10 Stations of the Cross, Sanctuary, 12:00pm
Apr 12 Easter Sunday, Egg Hunt, 10:30am
May 10 Mother’s Day/No Sunday School
May 17 Last Day of Sunday School
All the best,
Children’s Ministries Committee
Natalie Sroka
Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator