Men’s Beach Week has a long tradition at St. Paul’s. Each year, a couple dozen or so guys from St. Paul’s join together in Emerald Isle, NC. We rent adjacent oceanfront duplexes and enjoy being at the beach together. It’s a great way to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. The week runs Sunday-Sunday, ending on the last Sunday of April. You can choose to stay for any number of nights; we offer a total of 14 beds per night. It is often the case that there will be more availability in the middle and early part of the week; if your schedule allows, please consider those days as an option.
This is a very casual event. The only planned item is a group dinner every evening, and it’s quite fair to say that we eat very well. We also have hot breakfasts each day, and lunch foods are included as well. We all just pitch in where needed in the kitchen, or cleaning up, or what have you, and it all just happens. The days are pretty much unstructured: walk the sand, swim, fish, telecommute, see the sights, visit restaurants – whatever – just have a great time. If you have never been, please check it out – call Mike McInerney at 919-656-4629 to learn more!
We do very much welcome newcomers.
Registration opens in February until spots fill; get your name on the sign up sheet in the narthex and pick up a registration form, or contact Mike McInerney at to reserve your spot!