The Arts & Crafts Festival for Outreach is Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 to 4:00. The festival committee needs two more committee members, one to take charge of publicity, and one for a new position called facilities coordinator. It’s a fun event, for a very good cause, and we have a great group, but we’re looking for more wonderful volunteers. Please contact Sally Moller,
Here’s a brief job description for each:
Publicity: Write and submit articles for the bulletin and the newsletter, to festival websites and local publications. Design and/or update fliers with maps of vendor locations and arrange for printing so they are available for use as advertisement before the festival and as handouts on the day of the festival. Design and submit information for the Festival web page on the St. Paul’s website. Place signs the morning of the festival and retrieve at end of the day.
Facilities: Most needed the day before and the day of the festival. Confirm number of tables needed and then borrow what is needed form Cary Presbyterian, coordinating the transportation of the tables to and from Cary Presbyterian. Direct set up of tables and chairs on Friday as well some furniture moving. On Saturday morning put out orange cones to save space for the food trucks and show them where to park. At end of festival return tables, move furniture back into place. Arrange for trash to be placed in dumpster. Person will also be responsible for contacting cleaning company to clean after festival.
For further information or to take on either these committees, please contact Sally Moller ( Even if you would rather not be the point person but would be willing to help in any way, we would be glad for the assistance.