The St. Nicholas Advent tree is up and is decorated with over 400 tags identifying needy children served by local agencies that support seasonal farmworker families, orphans and vulnerable children, homeless families, families of recovering addicts, and families in need of reasonable housing. Please take one or more of the tags from the tree and plan to join us for St. Nicholas Sunday on December 6, 2015. St. Nicholas himself will be gathering the gifts for the needy recipients at both the 9:00 a.m. and the 11:15 a.m. services. Gifts may be dropped off earlier and placed under the tree, however, gifts will be delivered to the service agencies on the afternoon of the 6th, so any gifts brought to the church after that time WILL NOT reach the children for Christmas. So please return the gifts by noon on December 6th.
Again this year, we have bundled together families, in case you would like to purchase gifts with the entire family in mind. You will find, the bundled tags by the St. Nicholas figure on the counter next to the tree. Help us share the love of Christ by providing gifts for these incredible children who endure many hardships. Your generosity in support of this ministry shows these children that they are loved in a very special way, by Christ and by his community here at St. Paul’s. We are looking forward to the day when the faces of our children light up with the love of Christ given and received.
Contact: Mary Marsha Cupitt,, 919-387-7993