Are you new to St. Paul’s? Are you a long-time member, but have misplaced your name badge?
As we gather again, in person and without masks, maybe you don’t remember the names of people you used to know but haven’t seen in two years. Perhaps you are a little anxious about remembering names. Fortunately, we have name badges that can help us all reconnect without those awkward feelings.
Envelopes are in the Narthex for you to request a name badge. Please fill out the information needed on the front of the envelope and give it to an usher, put it in the collection plate, or mail it back to the church.
Name badges are not free – the cost of name badges has been partially offset by an anonymous grant so that no one goes without. If you can pay the $10 per badge, please do, but if you can’t, it will be covered for you – no questions asked.
Invite * Welcome * Connect is all about making people feel comfortable in our spaces; please do your part by wearing a name badge.
Questions? Contact Joyce Loughlin at (919) 234-1356 or