AWARD-WINNING FILM SCREENING along with Q&A: St. Paul’s hosts a screening of the award-winning documentary Same God on Saturday, February 29 at 5:00 p.m. A question-and-answer session follows with the woman at the heart of the film, Dr. Larycia Hawkins, and its director, Linda Midgett. In Dec. 2015, the political rhetoric against Muslims was escalating. Dr. Hawkins, an African American political science professor at Wheaton College wanted to show support for Muslim women. She posted a photo of herself in a hijab on Facebook. “I love my Muslim neighbor,” she wrote, “because s/he deserves love by virtue of her/his human dignity…. we worship the Same God.” Within days, she was suspended from her tenured position and eventually terminated. Were the school’s actions a move to protect its Christian theological purity, as it insisted? Or was it, as some suggested, the result of racism and Islamophobia? Same God, directed by Midgett, a Wheaton alumna with ties to North Carolina, follows the journey of Dr. Hawkins while exploring the polarization taking place within the evangelical community over issues like race, Islam, religious freedom, and political leadership. Everyone is invited to a reception following the movie and discussion for a chance to meet Dr. Hawkins and Ms. Midgett. The event is free and open to the community, but please RSVP on the St. Paul’s website so we’ll know how many guests to expect.
HERMANO DAY will be on Sunday, March 1st. Members of the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry will be at St. Paul’s to accept our donations of clothing, bedding, and food for migrant farmworkers in need. The most needed items are men’s work pants (size 30-34), men’s long sleeve shirts (S, M, L), shoes and socks (7-10), bath towels, twin sheets, instant coffee, rice, beans, granola/protein bars, dried fruit. Clothing / bedding can be new or used. Monetary donations can be made to the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry. PLEASE BRING YOUR DONATIONS TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY, MARCH 1st.
FELLOWSHIP EVENTS TEAM are hosting an IMPROV event with The Unintentionals this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. This is a family/church friendly comedy event. Suggested Donation $5.- Family and $2.- Individual. Snacks will be available for purchase. Take an hour to relax and have some fun.
COFFEE HOUR: The Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is hosting coffee hour in the parish hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today. ASP is a home repair ministry to needy families of Central Appalachia. Youth and adult participants grow spiritually, gain self-confidence, and build relationships as they work together.
Next week the Hermano Day ministry will host coffee hour. Representatives from the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry will be here to tell us about the work being done to help our farmworker brothers in Christ. St. Paul’s helps by donating work clothes and bedding and by offering financial support.
ONE WAKE (formerly Wake County Sponsors) is a partnership of 40+ multi-faith, multi-racial organizations formed with the goal of assembling a broad-based, non-partisan organization capable of taking effective public action to resolve the top issues facing families and communities across Wake County. We will have an internal meeting on Sunday, February 23 at 12:30 p.m. in the conference room as we plan for ONE Wake’s official launch on the Feast of Pentecost (May 31). Questions? Contact Katie Bricio at
SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER: This year Shrove Tuesday is on February 25. Plan to kick off Lent at the pancake supper in the parish hall from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Costs are $7 per adult: $3 for each school-age child: preschool-age children are free, and there is a cap of $20 per family.
St. Paul’s will participate in the upcoming Episcopal Coalition H4H build. The Episcopal Build 2020 begins at 8:15a.m. on February 29 at Habitat Wake’s Construction Facility, 2615 Westinghouse Boulevard, Raleigh. St. Paul’s only gets 5 volunteer slots on this day. So sign-up soon for this day. If you have never participated in a Habitat build, this wall build is a good first-timer activity.
The following Saturday, March 7 is the day St. Paul’s is responsible for supplying most of the volunteers. We should be finishing up the framing of the house and either putting the trusses on the house or beginning sheathing the roof. This is a GREAT day to come if you want to do lots of cutting and hammering. The Episcopal Build will continue every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until the end of April. If there is a specific task you’d like to do, contact Kevin McIntire at
Register @
ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL: In 2019, we raised $7,558 for outreach ministries and we need your help to continue this good work in 2020. We’ll begin planning in the spring for our festival in November. We have openings for committee members to head up the different areas of the festival. Please consider joining the committee. It’s a great opportunity to help raise money for outreach while getting to know other St. Paul’s parishioners. For more information, please contact Sally Moller at
MEN’S BEACH WEEK: Each year, the men of St. Paul’s gather in Emerald Isle for a week of fun at the beach – just to have a great time! This year, Men’s Beach week runs from Sunday, April 19th through Sunday, April 26th. Choose to come for one or more nights – the sign-up sheet is in the narthex. For more info, please contact Mike McInerney at (919) 656-4629 or at
There is Children’s Chapel today for children ages 3 years-2nd grade at the 9:00 a.m. service.
Sunday School begins at 10:10 a.m. in the education building.
First Communion Classes will be on March 1, 15, 22, with a special service on the 29th. Registration information is available on the website. Deadline to RSVP is today.
Kids’ Club provides childcare for infants through three-year-old’s during worship and Sunday school.
Sunday Morning: Our Epiphany series, Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, continues today at 10:15 a.m. in the chapel. Please join the Rev. George Adamik as he leads discussion of “Matthew: Jesus, the Scribes, and the Pharisees.”
Wednesday Evening: Our new 6-week Wednesday evening series, Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John, begins April 22, from 700-8:00 p.m. in the youth wing. This series invites participants into deeper intimacy with God through learning from Jesus, his human friendships, and his teachings about the God he calls “Father.” Watch for more information.
LENTEN QUIET DAY: The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross, a vowed, non-residential community of Episcopal women, who strive to live a life of simplicity and prayer, invite you to attend a Lenten Quiet Day on Saturday, March 21st, from 9:30am to 3:00 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Church in Hillsborough. The topic is “Together. Let us glorify the Lord.” The facilitator will be the Rev. Canon Jean Parker Vail, retired priest associate of the parish, and former Chaplain of the Society. A continental breakfast and a warm lunch are included. Suggested donation: $10.00. Please R.S.V.P to by March 14th.