Christmas Services
Please join us on Christmas Eve, December 24, at either the 4, 6, 8, or 10pm services. The 4pm will be a family service with a special homily for children offered by Mother Alice.
The Christmas Eve service at 4:00 is full. It will be live-streamed and here is the bulletin.
Pre-registration will be required for all Christmas Eve services. Each service will be limited to 200.
Registration is available on the parish website.
Our Christmas Day service will be at 10am. You will not be required to pre-register ahead of time, although it is suggested. You may sign in upon arrival.
On Sunday. December 26 services will be at 7:30 and 10am. The Rev J. Carr Holland will be our guest celebrant and homilist. Please not this change to the regular Sunday schedule.
The following Sunday January 2, 2022 services will be at 7:30 and 10am, again note the change to the regular Sunday schedule.