Two of the “quieter ministries” of St. Paul’s, Pulse Committee and Altar Guild, will be hosting coffee hour (actually summer lemonade hour) on June 25, 2017. We would be delighted if you would stop by the tables for some cookies, lemonade and chat with us about our ministries.
While you probably think you know what Altar Guild does, you may not know that we don’t polish silver, don’t scrape wax off the fair linen, and most assuredly don’t go around wearing white gloves. What we do is get the Altar set for all the communion services on Sunday. While that might seem like it would take lots of time, we are each assigned to one weekend a month and our time involved is about one hour for setup on Saturday and usually 30 minutes or so after one of the Sunday services. We also do have lots of fun.
The Pulse committee is another one of those behind the scenes ministry that you might not know about. The members of this committee are the folks that call parishioners and ask how things are going for them at St. Paul’s. They are getting the “pulse” of the Parish. There are no committee meetings and you might spend two hours a quarter making calls from the comfort of your home.
Both committees are looking for some additional help. Please stop by on June 25 and let us answer any questions you might have.