“I am Resurrection and I am Life, says the Lord. Whoever has faith in me shall have life, even though he die” (The Book of Common Prayer, 491). The proper colors for the burial service in the Episcopal Church are the same as those for Christmas and Easter: white and gold. The service is a reservoir for our grief, but it is likewise a celebration. We grieve for those we have lost, and we rejoice in the promise of new life.
If you have questions about the burial service at St. Paul’s, please reach out to the church office at 919-467-1477. You may also contact any of the clergy.
St. Paul’s Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden is a place for the interment of ashes in simple dignity and in surroundings that proclaim our resurrection faith. It is in an area adjacent to the southeast corner of the rear of the Chapel and includes the Columbarium, the Garden, and the Remembrance Wall. A new expansion of the St. Paul’s Memorial Garden was completed in 2024, which includes new niches along the Columbarium wall.
To reserve a niche in the Columbarium, a grass-covered plot in the Garden, or to have a name engraved on the Remembrance Wall, please contact the church office at stpauls@stpaulscary.org or Jackie Straub at jmpstraub@aol.com.