This evening we looked at the significance of Ash Wednesday and the 40 days of lent. We made a small move to talk about our own time in the wilderness, since the 40 days of lent signifies the 40 days Jesus spent being tempted in the wilderness. If you’re curious, ask your youth why one should “walk” while in the valley of the shadow of death, rather than “run” through it (and if you have questions about that I’d be more than happy to dive into Psalm 23 with you!)
Looking forward to March. I have invited a few of my fellow classmates to help me teach. One week we will do a combined youth group which is going to be really cool (March 15th). While the exact weekends are still up in the air, we will be covering topics like substance use, healthy relationships, and spiritual creativity together. All are welcome, and I hope you’re able to join us!
Remember, No EYC next week because of Bishops Ball!
Sign up Genius. Please take some time and look over your calendar to see where you could potentially help. Thank you. (I need help 3/08, we are going to be talking about mental health, so if that strikes a chord with you please join us.)
EYC Advisors:
EYC Meals:
Sunday School Teachers:
One Wake: May 31st. I would really love to have our youth help represent Saint Pauls at the One Wake gathering on May 31st. I had a couple of youth sign up and say they were interested in attending which is beautiful! Think about what it would mean to have your children stand in solidarity with 30 plus organizations and their congregation as we advocate for living wages, affordable housing, and funding for schools.
Bishops Ball: February 28th – March 1st. If parents need help coordinating for carpooling please let me know! I’d be more than happy to put the necessary parties in touch.
Happening and Genesis: March 27th – 29th
Happening is a renewal weekend for high school youth. The event allows young people to encounter Christ in an intentional Christian community. The event is led by youth with clergy and lay adult support. Highlights of the weekend include talks, songs, worship and small groups. Happening is a youth event under the authority of the diocesan bishop.
Genesis is a middle school event during which young people grades 6-8 are encouraged to learn more and grow deeper in their faith through talks and the leadership of high school age youth. The theme for 2020 is relationships with God and relationships with ourselves. Join us for a youth lead weekend with talks, music, small groups, friends and fun.
Thank you all so much.
God Bless,
Zachary Rugen
Interim Youth Program Coordinator