It is really nice to be back in the swing of things. Tonight we talked about the immense power that our words have. You can continue our conversation by talking about how our words are permanent online, how distracting our words can be when someone is trying to talk, or whether gossiping, lying, and swearing carry different significance in our lives. Next week we will have a discussion centered around how to have conversations with those we disagree with, and with those who use the bible to preach hate. (All are welcome to join us as we try to explore this topic.)
- USO Valentines Cards. We will be making these together on Sunday, February 2nd. The organizers of this event are also collecting small Dollar store toys for kids of vets and snack items as well as the Valentines cards. Please keep our men and women in military service in mind as we look forward to the approaching holidays. I believe there will be boxes in the church foyer or in the parish hall soon.
- Kanuga Snow Tubing Postponed! In order to do this trip well, we are going to need some more time to iron out all the details. It is still very much on our radar and is something that we want to happen. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- We will have our regular EYC on Sunday the 26th from 5pm-7pm
- Sign up Genius. The youth group is going to need the same enthusiasm and support that was brought by you all last semester. Please take some time and look over your calendar to see where you could potentially help. Thank you!
- EYC Advisors:
- EYC Meals:
- Sunday School Teachers:
Thank you all so much.
God Bless,
Zachary Rugen
Interim Youth Program Coordinator