We are in the 2nd week of Lent. I hope you can make some more room for God as we prepare for the Easter celebration. Here are a few ideas of ways to do that, ways to how might w “celebrate” Lent:
- Take time to for study – the Bible or other spiritual book
- Give up something, so that you might experience at some level a sacrifice
- Focus on certain spiritual practices: choose service to someone, add prayer disciplines to your daily life, practice forgiveness, or participate in additional worship services
These are different ways to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the resurrection.
Here are the amazing ways you can connect with God through Youth Ministry:
YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: !!!Action Required ***Time Sensitive
Regular Events
- Sunday School 10:15-11 am: We start a new unit entitled “Success & Failure.” The lesson Sunday is entitled “Success & Failure: Defining Success.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- Confirmation Class Sunday 10:15-11 am: We will meet in the Curry Center. This lesson is entitled “Seek & Serve.”
- EYC Sunday 5-7 ASP Information Night – Come learn more about Appalachia Service Project (ASP) and how you can sign up. Youth will speak about their experiences on ASP. Kevin Swann, the ASP Ministry Leader will be there to answer questions and we’ll show you lots of fun pictures from some of our trips. Parents are welcome to come and learn as well.
Upcoming Dates
- *** Sunday 3/4: If you have a scout of any kind please have them wear their uniform to church on Sunday so we can recognize him/her. Also, scouts will be participating in the 9am service. You can click here to sign up to participate in some of the assigned “jobs” for Sunday, or bring food for coffee hour: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4daea62fa46-scout
- *** ASP Spaghetti Dinner Sign Up: If you haven’t signed up to assist with ASP Spaghetti Dinner on March 9, please DO IT NOW! This is a very important fundraiser for us, and it’s a lot of fun…not to mention very yummy. If you are participating, you get to EAT FIRST before any guests arrive! (Remember, part of the commitment for going on the ASP trip is participating in our fundraising activities) http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044fa8a629a5fe3-aspspaghetti
- *** ASP Auction Basket: Youth Ministry has volunteered to create a “Family Fun” basket to auction at the ASP Spaghetti Dinner. Please help us put lots of fun things in our basket. Here’s the signup: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044FA8A629A5FE3-family
- *** Bowling with Pre-EYC 3/11: We are going with the Pre-EYC youth to bowl at Buffaloe Lanes in Cary (http://buffaloelanes.com/cary). It will cost $12.00 for 2 games and shoe rental. Drop off and pick up will be at Buffaloe Lanes (151 High House Rd.). Please sign up by Friday, 3/9 at http://bit.ly/2F5gkts. Dinner will not be served but they have a snack bar (bring your money for snacks).
More Info
- New Ministry at St. Paul’s – Wake County Sponsors: Clergy and lay leaders have been meeting for the past year to discern how to form a broad-based, non-partisan organization to address issues that benefit everyone in Wake County. Informational meetings are coming up. Spend a couple hours learning and sharing time with faith-filled individuals who are motivated to find common ground and new ways to collaborate. This is for youth and parents! Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdr69A3VBRSVJkbkQ41_TiZwubqLQcXwoqp20N297GBTJiGhg/viewform
- Souper Bowl Results: 220 pounds of food was delivered to Urban Ministries!! Thank you to everyone who helped get these donations. Your work in the rain is very much appreciated by A LOT of families in Wake County (and me!).
See you Sunday.
Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator